Lots to Share

I've been taking a lot of photos lately, which really help me with my paintings. In addition to my love of photography, I also love this thing called food. Some have used the term foodie- I'll take it. Really, I just love food- the process, the beauty and the taste, of course. So, I've been photographing a lot of the things I've been creating (baking, cooking, cutting) and eating. Maybe these will serve as inspiration for my paintings, or just as documentation for what I put in my body, though from the small preview I am posting, you would think I only ingest organically wonderful natural foods (I wish this was the case and I am trying)! So- enjoy, let me know what you think. And soon, my first painting will be up.

You know, speaking of painting, I don't really post much about my life experiences on this blog as they happen, or at least I only started to with my trip to Mexico. Though I want to keep this blog art focused, much has been going on in my life and all is relevant. Brandeis is very challenging and I am involved in many new things this semester, one recently being my new job as a guide at the Rose Art Museum. What can be better than getting paid to talk to people about art and look at it for five hour shifts? I worked at the Tom Sachs, Steve Miller opening at the Rose on Tuesday evening and I left the museum telling myself "THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO, I want a solo show with an opening night, with friends and family and mentors, and most importantly my opinions, thoughts and feelings hanging on the wall," or in the case of Tom Sach's work (get a preview...
CLICK ME), scattered around the floor. Point being that it was a wonderful feeling to better connect to where I want to go with my life.

Two unrelated facts. I've been watching a new series, the L word, and i'm hooked. Secondly, I saw
Wicked The Musical in Boston last Sunday and wrote my first review in the Justice, the university paper for which I am Manging Editor, so if you want to check it out click here, even though it is very rough and is my very first time, don't be too harsh! Regardless, I am proud of my effort.


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