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I made this photograph when I was in the Zocallo in Mexico City. The Zocallo is a main plaza, that is kind of like NY's time square, but a more defined, open space, where many people hang out, hold protests, political riots, there are flower vendors, concerts, etc. It is a pretty amazing space surrounded by 800 year old buildings and cobblestone streets (ill post a small photo).
While our group was on a tour, informing us about the history of the Aztecs and the conquest of the Spaniards and human sacrifice practices and the desire for gold and blah, blah. Fine, it is very interesting information, but I was too visually stimulated to pay any attention. I wandered a bit and found this girl, who looked like she was in her early 20's with beautiful dreads, selling some sort of hair wrapping service to a lively Mexican family. I got right on the floor and shot a few pictures- this is probably one of my favorite I've taken all weekend. It is framed as is with no digital enhancements. To me, the photograph is about identity, seeing a young free spirit, on her own, selling hair wraps. It just said something to me- who is this girl, where is she from, where is she going in life, is she happy? Also- it was rare for me as a tourist to see a Mexican family buying from a young Mexican girl, as opposed to all of us Americans swarming Mexican vendors, we are used to the misconception (or maybe I just was) that these Mexican vendors make their living mainly from tourists - but in reality, the whole culture feeds off each other, buying the chilequiles off the street for any hungry person, the little dancing puppets for the hijos, and the hair wraps for anyone! :)