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Life in Mexico
I am spending 6 weeks in Guadalajara, Mexico. I love it. There is so much art and inspiration around me all the time and simultaneously I am utilizing my spanish skills to become fluida (hopefully). In the process, I have taken many pictures in the 9 days that I have been here. I have posted one photo above to induce curiousity- but before posting the others, I would like to take the time to write about each photograph that I post- time that I do not have at this moment! For example, I just ate dinner and it is 10:57 at night- I love Mexico. But I really do want to share the amazing experiences that I've had thus far and the visually interesting elements of Mexico that I have captured. This photo was taken in Cohacan (sp?, I will look it up later to be correct), which is where Frida Khalo's house is, "La Casa Azul," and in the town there are shops, vendors, and restaurants and just life, happening. These kids happened to be on their parked bus waiting for mas estudiantes, curious and wanting to check out the people with the big T on their foreheads, laughing at as, making fun. I had to capture the spirit of the children, playful and making fun, yet stuck on this bus while I freely walked right up to them and captured this moment. I love the colors- how the yellow interacts with the red, how the hanging cord on the right side of the photograph draws your eye from the foreground to the background, the warm orangy light falling on the yellow bus, further accentuating its vibrant hue, and lastly, the expressions of the boy a bit dazed and the girl smiling with her friend in shadow. Just another day, off to school.Buenos noches,