This is my final drawing for my Intro to Drawing class this semester. It was an amazing class where I learned how to use different materials in such an experimental way such as charcol, ink, and pencil, to name a few. I love using charcol because of its fluidity. It helps me create a drawing by building the whole composition, moving around the page with the freedom to change important elements, such as light and dark shapes. Ideally, this is how I would create any piece of art, but it has especially clicked with charcol. Anyways, I'm rambling. When I get my portfolio back at the end of this week, I will post a few of my favorite charcol drawings. Meanwhile, here is a self-portrait made in pencil, it is about 18 X 24 inches, I think. There is just something so incredible about a self-portrait, portraying yourself in a different way... everything that goes into a drawing or a painting is in the I feel that day, my sensory experiences, my thoughts, the room temperature, my caffeine levels... it all affects the image. I could do a million more self-portraits in my life time and I bet none of them would ever look the same. Enjoy...