FINALLY!! First Post of the School Year.

Wow, it has been way too long. I can't believe how fast this semester is flying by. I am a little sad that I am only now posting work from my senior year of painting. I lucked out on a pretty decent studio space, especially compared to the other seniors. My professor is pretty much everything I could ask for, for the most part. He is into the contemporary art scene, he is a successful artist and talented painter, he is fun and crazy but takes the class and its students, as artists, very seriously, and he not only believes in painting's potential as a lucrative career, but especially for the continuing emergence of women as successful young painters. Joe Wardwell. That said, I haven't been in the studio as much as I would like, mostly because I'm playing a varsity sport and having a little bit more Waltham/Boston fun than I have in the past years at Brandeis. I pretty much spoiled myself last semester, setting aside an absurd amount of time in my schedule to devote to painting and then spending an intense eight weeks at the Chautauqua Institution. No worries for now though, I am still making lots of work and my whole heart and soul is invested in all of it.

I've started painting in this abstract language where color and line are two important elements in my work. Organic shapes, overlapping, space created with color, chroma relationships are just a few of the issues I'm dealing with. In terms of verbalizing the narrative in my work, and what it is "about" (to say it simply), is still in the works. Its not that I don't know what that is, I just need to sit down and mindfully, thoughtfully and intelligently think about it, write about it, talk about it. And there is not a sense of urgency to figure it all out, at least right now, which feels so great.

I've also been figuring out what I want to do next year. and that is a whole other long post about my hopes, dreams, the realities of next year, out on my own, i.e. the real world, my limitations, possibilities, etc. That will come soon, but for now, less writing, more art...

LAST PAINTING FROM CHAUTAUQUA: (sort of where I picked up when I got to Brandeis...)

Untitled, 2008



Artcamp Headband
, 2008: (in progress, see image above to get idea of scale and earlier stages...)

Untitled, 2008 (still in progress..)

Landlines, 2008 (sorry for the shitty image. wise words: see art in person).

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